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Exciting News! Accreditation of the Administrator Level is Here!

We are very excited to announce MACTE is prepared to receive applications for the accreditation of the Administrator Credential! Visit MACTE’s online Document Library to download the Administrator Credential requirements  as well as MACTE’s updated application form. Once we receive your application, the accreditation process will proceed the same way as all other levels.

Reminder: each certification course level offered by a program must be MACTE accredited. Programs with existing MACTE accredited levels who currently offer the Administrator credential will have until June 2026 to submit an application for accreditation. Programs offering administrator level professional development must be clear in advertising that it is not a MACTE accredited course, and certificates given to adult learners upon completion of the professional development must clearly state: “This certificate does not indicate completion of a MACTE accredited course.”

Thank you to the experts from our affiliate organizations who took the time to provide their input and recommendations for the accreditation of the Administrator level. Careful consideration was put into crafting competencies and setting the academic and practicum requirements that will well prepare adult learners to lead a children’s school.